How can i read my kids text messages

I get the online safety talk every year at school for the past 9 years, and I know to delete an email if it has anything inappropriate. In the 3 years I've had my email, I never had to deal with anything like that. Parents, don't spy on your kids without good reason, everyone deserves privacy, and if you break your kid's trust, they might start going behind your back, like I did. I think that a contract that both the parents and child signs as to what to expect when using a mobile phone that the parents are paying for is not too much to ask.

As for privacy -- it should be agreed upon before the start of the contract. I will not deceive my kid but expect that they meet us on mutually agreed-upon terms. Parents will always violate that contract. Because it IS too much to ask for. It's almost like y'all are having kids just to spy on us. It happens sooner or later, and it won't scar them seeing to adults engaging in sexual intercourse. It'll scar them if they see YOU engaging in sexual intercourse with your partner. Some way, there phone is their privacy. As your children grow older, they begin to become more independent and privacy becomes a bigger issue where boundaries and lines start to become clearer.

If you have reason to suspect, you should still let them know but go in a little deeper. Just stop thinking you can do whatever you want and not get caught. Teens know much more than you think, also, the icloud based apps do not actually work for the most part and the apps that are installed locally usually require a jailbreak, jailbreaking is a very bad idea because it opens your phone to viruses and could potentially brick the phone. Apple will actually refuse service if they find out your phone is jailbroken.

Even if you proceed to do this, we will be able to tell. Also, rooting depending on the manufacturer may void your warranty, while the new samsung phones are almost impossible to root, and reflashing the stock ROM is very difficult for someone who does not know what they are doing most parents. Just accept it, teens will always find ways to outsmart you parents. Stop trying to be sneaky and be upfront about your intentions if you even think spying is a good idea to begin with.

If you have a reason to "monitor", please tell your kids why you are doing so. If your kids are trustworthy and responsible, there is no reason to do this, unless you either didn't or did a really bad job at giving your kid the cyber safety talk. Please somebody kill me. My parents will not stop and my life sucks pretty bad right now. I am having to learn to hack so that I can keep some of my things on my phone private from my mom. I am constantly having to change my passcode for everything.

I have put a lock on my history and social medias. Kids need to evolve and learn their parents. I am the master of Duping my parents and I know what they will do in every scenario. My parents lack in consistency and do not enforce often. When they do search me it is usually because they're mad. I am working on a fingerprint or voice thing that I can put on my phone. This makes it so that if you leave your phone with your parents or home alone, you're invincible.

What they do the other times is an attempt to force you to give them access threatening your sports, passions, hobbies, and even friends. You, kids, need to show that you have nothing to lose. The TV, your phone, and your video games is their best weapon. They hold it over you every time as they have complete control over it. Never argue or show emotion because it simply shows your parents how much you care about those things.

Just shrug and accept it. It is up to you if you want to be good to have those things all the time or punish your parents by purposely being bad and difficult in situations of conflict. Im currently on the second option. So you choose what to do and dont be afraid to stand up to your parents or make a plan to lock your privacy. All you kids need to evolve and protect yourselves from the old people.

I am 13 years old and I have had to research how to keep my privacy safe. To be honest- i don't think people should monitor their teens phones. Would you want someone constantly checking your conversations and internet history? Let them grow up themselves.

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Please think over why you might want to monitor your child's device. I understand that some parents believe that because they paid for the phone, they have the right to read their child's text messages, look through their phone call records, social media accounts, and even read their search history. This happened to me last summer.

I am male and currently 14, soon to turn They began to look through everything on my laptop computer, my phone, and my iPad. This took place over a bit under a week. After this finished, and I got my devices back, I noticed a feeling that I kept having. A sense of fear kept coming to me.


Jan 3, This is probably the easiest way to check your kid's text messages, but Using kid guard, not only can you read the messages in your child's. Aug 28, how can i monitor my childs text messages verizon FamilyBase lets parents control when and how children can send text messages. trusted application that allows you to read the SMS texts or iMessages your child has.

I was always suspicious that my parents had placed some type of spyware or something to read incoming and out coming messages from my devices. When I was on my computer and an icon briefly popped up on my toolbar only to then disappear I realize now that this is normal , I thought that is was some type of software they had installed to monitor my usage. It got to the point where I began to think that there were cameras put up in our house to spy on me.

I thought that the wifi would send my internet searches to them, and that they would read them. I thought every electronic device I "owned" was being monitored by my parents. I did not trust them. I found out that what I had developed is paranoia, and while I have learned to suppress it to a large extent, it put me way behind in socializing than I was before they searched my devices. I was well liked and had many friends, but after my parents searched my electronics, I lack basic confidence and communication skills to mantain many relationships.

Although it is getting better, I can only imagine what my social life would be if the electronic search simply didn't happen. So again, parents, please reconsider you decision and approach your child instead of surprising them. I am the adult, I pay for the cel phone and I will check it to ensure that their conduct is appropriate, no perverts are grooming and their "friends" are self governing themselves as well. Don't feed into this "kids privacy" crap the world feeds you!! Through monitoring my kids phones I have observed the following: These are young impressionable children and there are many ways their innocence can be taken.

Phones also keep your child from face to face conversations, thinking before they react, diminishes their time to do other more important things, consumes their life, provides a false reality since everything posted is usually shallow and superficial. Once trust has been developed you can back off from checking all the time to monthly, spot checks. They are the worst thing you can purchase for your child. Perhaps this 'Drama' was because you monitored their phones so closely in the first place?

I'm 11 and don't have a phone yet, but I own an iPad and my parents have never looked through what I do. I recommend only looking through their phone if they seem to be doing something suspicious. Would you like it if you were a kid and your parents gave you no privacy? Don't try to secretly monitor your kid, most teens and preteens are a tad more intelligent than they seem to be.

How do I monitor my kids' cell phone use without seeming intrusive?

I think if a parent is a good parent then they should have already shown their child how to behave responsibly, how to know dangers or not, and how to not bully people or stand up to one. If you do not trust your children then that is on YOU, not them. You clearly raised them incorrectly then. I did have some technology very early my parents were very big on new tech. I was raised by people two generations my senior, yet I had total privacy.

Why Spying On Your Kids With iMessage Is Confusing

No searching in my room no snooping in my business, no reading my notebooks with all my secrets in. And certainly I made a few errors as a teen. However, I survived, and got good grades and have an IQ of , and never had a teen pregnancy or any issues because my parents raised my correctly! I could defend myself as well as sense dangers. You parents MUST trust your children. Teens must have freedom, and I mean a lot of it. They HAVE to learn who they are, and who they are is not just some extension of you and a bunch of rules, they learn by making mistakes.

They learn by being taught by you. Kids these days will never develop into proper adjusted people if parents do not start butting out again like mine did exactly enough. Also, if a teenager chooses to look at sexual content that is a natural thing. All humans are curious and want to see what sex is. No ne can tell me they did not also do so back then. Why is it that I seem to be the only adult on here with any sense of privacy and trust, who agrees completely with these teenagers?

I was raised with tons of freedom, and I was just fine. I am 41 and I still feel like I am20 inside because I had the freedom to learn exactly who I am. Kids are not stupid, they know right from wrong! Yes I agree with you. Kids should have their own privacy about crushes and their personal life. Unfortunately that will not happen to me. My mom will check my texts and my history and put so many restriction on it.

Our son is getting his first phone at almost 13 and we will monitor its use. If he'd like a diary, fine, I'm happy to get him one and I won't touch it, because that diary isn't a tool to communicate with the outside world and vice versa. It's also a far cry from creating a direct line into your home for people with less than good intentions for your child.

Don't ever let society push you into raising your child against your better judgement! I have posted some information on what took place with my two children and what I did. He Kids, as long as your parents are paying for your food, clothing, schooling AND phone You Don't Have Any Privacy. There are seriously sick predators out there. There are kids brutally bullying other kids. Even kids encouraging kids to commit suicide! Our job is to Keep You Safe. Try showing a little gratitude for what you have and a little respect for your parents. Your reputation is their reputation. In a few years, as you prepare your college applications, and after that your employment applications, you'll wonder why you ever posted such stupid stuff anyway!

What goes around, comes around. Have a great day! You may pay for the phone It voids the warranty. Well, since you pay for it, that means you're paying for a new phone if you brick your kid's phone while jailbreaking it, apple will not help you at all, they will refuse you service. Also they can buy their own phone on certain carriers, so good luck if you're not paying for it. We will also find ways around your crappy spying techniques. Thank you for spreading the truth and caring more about your child's mind and safety than their "privacy"!

Ok first of all, you parents are absolutely stupid. Because of this, I have many other apps to keep stuff secret etc. I hate that my parents do this and it absolutely pisses me off. It just is very sad how parents are so damn overprotective these days. Mobile Parenting has become a real thing. CommonSenseMedia despite what they say, is behind and always will be. Their "texting slang" is stuff people said in like Nobody uses any of that anymore. Snapchat, while the ninja spy thing that kids would use to hide from their parents at one point, is now as commonplace as twitter and new apps are being used.

Let's just say that some of our newer apps are better than ghosting a vault app on the 88th page of our phone and putting a 20 digit password on it. Good luck, nosy parents: My parents have been monitoring all my devices without my consent for a long time and have been doing it in secrecy. To this day, they still think I don't know that they're monitoring me.

But, I see why they would do this. Most of the time, teens are afraid of being monitored because they have some texts of being rude or spreading gossip, or they have some arguments with some random person on the internet or in rare cases, they're watching explicit videos, have inappropriate pictures or sexting. But, there must be limits.

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First, tell your kid what your doing. Not telling your kid what you're doing can lead to them not trusting you even more and end up them hiding everything from you. Second, do weekly or monthly checks. Checking everyday can make your child think that you don't trust them at all. And finally, be casual about it. Don't yell at your kid, "HEY!

I want to see your phone right now! Don't be like my parents and check their phone during the night when they're asleep, they could easily find out and they'd trust you even less. Also, remember to be "light" on the judgement. If your child does do something wrong, talk with them first. Be patient, even if they brush off your talking.

Is it OK for me to read my kids' text messages on their phones?

Punishments such as taking away the phone, grounding, or ban on social media should only be handed out if the misbehavior continues or if they do something in the "extreme" area. I agree with this completely, well said! Avoiding getting the kids a cell phone as long as possible.

They complain that some 3rd graders already have their own. However, most of the 3rd grade parents I've spoken with have come to the same decision re: At some point they'll need cell phones, especially with a million and one practices, games, and meetings going on and I can't be everywhere. No place seems to have pay phones anymore. There are a few ways that you can monitor your child's facebook account, if you are not friend visit faceves.

As a year-old, I know what it's like to have intrusive-seeming parents and I also know how they could find out what I'm doing without seeming that way. Talk to your teen about what they should be doing on their social media, phone, etc.

Casually ask, what are you up to periodically. Ask to see their social media accounts. Get a social media account yourself and follow your child's account. Being so judgemental and self righteous towards other parents must be exhausting.

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Many parents don't spend the time and the result is kids that lack attention, discipline, and common sense. Like I said, I see lots of parents doing their thing, and totally leaving their kids to fend for themselves. As a teen who has experienced both sides of the issue; having a parent concerned for myself and being concern for a sibling, I have to say that the lengths you all are willing to go to for such an issue is quite ridiculous. You adults must realize that we, your children ar of a time where technology is as normal to us as riding a bike.

I speak from personal experience when I say that we are especially good at getting around the rules. Another point I would like to make to those adults who have taken the time to read these comments, if you think your child is too young and innocent to recognize the dangers of social media, don't you think perhaps they are too young to have social media.

Being internet safe is as much a part of good parenting as being street safe. If your child is unable to recognize what is and is not safe on the internet, it is your fault for not properly educating them as such. I would also like to discuss simply the invasion of privacy.

I'm sure you can all think back to being a young to mid teen, writing all the thoughts you once thought were important into a diary or a notebook. For kids of this time, we dont use journals, rather we share such things with our social media. I can imagine all you parents gasping in horror right about now.

But understand that sharing these thoughts provides us with a channel to receive support from peers who we may not have connected with otherwise. The internet is not a scary place, but to be safe children must be educated just like everything else. Just use parental controls and be done with it. If your child is old enough to have a phone then they are growing up. Monitoring a little is ok, but not tracking there is a difference! I hate stuff like this. This morning, I woke up late but stayed home anyways because I was feeling too sick to go to school.

How do I program my phone to receive my kids texts without them knowing - VisiHow

Then she says, "You do know everything you search goes on my phone? I thought it was because I had snapchat downloaded on my phone for a day, which is only because my friend needed to use it since it wouldn't work on her phone. So I tell my mom, "If it's about snapchat-" She then cuts me off and says that isn't it. She told me her phone sent her a message about me going on youtube watching some sort of sexual videos, that's when my heart beats harder and faster and I'm terrified because I searched no such thing!

She continues saying she's only worried for me and for about 5 minutes, the entire conversation was her asking if it was me or if anyone else had my phone, to me telling her I didn't do it, I'm scared what are you talking about, I swear to GOD it wasn't me! I had to keep my voice down because I was scared my dad would hear, this is all at 7: She tells me this is my last chance as if I did something in the first place, and I'm terrified. What videos were they? Why did she get that message when the only time I ever used youtube was to listen to music or watch some games or cooking videos?

But at the same time I had felt relief that she didn't tell my dad, for I knew my dad wouldn't believe me. I try my best to go back to sleep, and wake up and get downstairs at around 2 pm. She asks me one last time if I did it, with my answers being the same. I didn't do it. She then says my dad and I will talk about it tonight and I felt like I was going to pass out. I rose my voice at her, not because I was mad but scared, asking her why she told?

And he won't believe me. So I've been spending my time figuring out how to prove it wasn't me that searched up such videos. Then I find this post and it honestly angers me. If your child gives you a reason to check it, ok. I need a way to install the spyware so as not to be flagged by the anti-malware programming such as Norton. You should be able to revoke the device permissions or use Android to remove the application. If this does not work, you may need to Factory Reset your device to remove Stealth Genie. Hiya, my child, is 14 so she is the age where she does hide and do things on her phone, and I'm worried she's talking to the wrong crowd or boyfriends, mothers concern is not an app at all?

I'm wondering if there is an app I can track text messages on Snapchat she does have, and that is in the top 0 dangerous apps as strangers can add you and view your snapchat daily story and take a screenshot so wondering if you can recommend an app please thank you, god bless. Taking her phone but it has a password. I think it was caused by: Giving her a phone too early age Was this helpful?

Yes No I need help. For starters, she is 14 so the password on her phone needs to be turned over to you. Technically because she is a minor and you pay for her cell service provider, you own the phone. Once you get that password and access to the device, you can install a spy app such as; Spyera , Highster Mobile , OwnSpy , or Phonty. You can tell her the app is on there or let her know that if for one minute she takes away access to her phone, she will lose that phone until she is Yes No I need help More questions and answers on this topic can be found here: I think my boyfriend is either talking back with his ex or some other female and he has these weird text that comes up on his phone as just like 5 s sent it to him.

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He tends to have a problem Factory Resetting his phone. He does it at least 4 maybe 5 tim Was this helpful? Yes No I need help The above questions are from the following wiki Click here to read the full article More questions and answers What apps in play store can I use to chat without my girlfriend knowing? I believe that you are asking for an application that you can use to chat with others without your girlfriend knowing from viewing the numbers or information on a bill.

There are a number of applications that you can use that are untraceable for anyone to be able to see on your phone bill on your device: Yes No I need help Kik Messenger is an application that is untraceable for it can only be traced by its data rather than the billing information from your device:. Snapchat is also another untraceable application that can use data rather than billing information on your account:. Glide is another application that is untraceable from being noticed by another person through you phone bill:.

These applications will allow you to chat with others while hiding it from your phone bill and also tracking applications so that you will be able to chat privately. The only person that can tell any of your business is yourself or the person you are chatting with on the applications.

Yes No I need help I need to know what my kid is up to? He has been acting weird lately. He doesn't even allow me to see his phone and he won't put it where I can find it. If he is on your cell plan, then it is time to suspend the account until he can prove he can be accountable for his phone. Safety and monitoring children online need to be taken very seriously. It will not be an easy task to get him into line, but he needs to understand that if he could be trusted, you would not be doing this and that it is because you love him more than yourself that you have suspended his account until he can stop being so sneaky.

Yes No I need help Teenagers like to spread their wings but hiding things from parents should not be condoned. Everyone deserves privacy, but children need to learn that freedom comes with trust. Either he allows you to monitor his phone or he can begin paying for his own phone and his own place to live. Yes No I need help Children will hide situations like bullying. Make sure that he is not in a peer pressure or bullying situation. Look for signs of depression. Any of the apps listed on this page and in the VisiHow article will be suitable for monitoring his phone.

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Yes No I need help Wondering if the app was free? Just wanted to use it for a week. There are monthly payments to be made and you would have to do the monitoring from your computer. Also, you need to be able setup the app onto your child's phone, but he won't be able to see it once it's installed. Yes No I need help There are also some free apps but you need to be very careful with these and you should not be installing them without any precaution. If the app is not valid and somehow malicious, it may even cause your child to lose his privacy to a stranger. Yes No I need help I want to secretly view my teenager's snapchat?

I would like to know if there is a low cost or free program I can use to view my teenager's snapchat without her knowing. Look for something like Spyera , Highster Mobile , or OwnSpy that can be purchased with a one time fee. This way you can monitor her for months to come.