If you find your mobile phone chewing through battery life or your data usage rockets skywards, these could be signs of snooping. And if not read on to become acquainted with snooping clues, in this age of mass surveillance they could be very useful. Why would someone want to spy on me? Well, maybe you have information that someone else wants. It could be to find out whether an affair is taking place or it could be related to a court case. If your phone has been handled by someone else, for instance during repairs or for some other reason, a backdoor application could have been installed to piggyback your GPS service or spy software could have been installed on your mobile device.
And some of this software is very powerful indeed. There are several tell-tale signs that suggest your phone is being tracked, tapped or monitored in some way.
The signs can be quite subtle but when you know what to look out for, they can also be glaring:. Another indication of a bugged cell phone is reduced battery performance. If a mobile phone is tapped it is recording your activities and transmitting them to a third party. This leaves a footprint in the form of increased battery usage and as a result the battery loses life faster. A tapped cell phone can also be constantly recording conversations in the room, even when the phone appears to be idle.
And of course as a result it will chew through battery life. You can test this by using your battery in another phone of the same model and compare the results. Is your phone using more battery power than a phone of the same model and software? Call and message alerts to one side your phone should be as silent as a sleeping baby when not in use.
Does it also reboot for no reason at all?
Before a smart phone shuts down it must complete any tasks that are processing. If your phone is transmitting data to someone it will have to complete the process before it shuts down. As a result if a phone takes longer than usual to turn off especially after a call, text, email or web browsing it could be sending information to a third party. A further indicator of a possible phone tap is the temperature of your battery.
However this is only a potential sign. Are you receiving strange text messages containing random numbers, symbols or characters? The remote control feature of spy software works by sending secret coded text messages to your phone and in some cases these can be seen if the software is not working correctly.
If this happens regularly you could have a spy app on your phone. Some of the less reliable spy apps use extra data to send the information collected from your phone, so look out for any unexplained increase in your monthly data usage. The best spy software programs data usage has been reduced and will be almost impossible to spot but the poor programs will show significant data use. Go to Settings — Applications — Manage Applications or Running Services, and you may be able to spot suspicious looking files. Somebody, probably my wife, installed a spy on my S4. How to remove because we are fighting every day when I am back home.
Nothing just googled and got your link. Use an anti-spyware app and check your Application Manager to see if any spy apps are listed in there as well. You should ask her if she felt the need to download a spy app, and if she did, why is there so much distrust. Do not go into the conversation defensively but offer a solution to rebuild the trust between you so that your relationship can begin to flourish again. How to prevent it? What am I supposed to do? You can go into downloads and see when the last time that area was accessed.
You also can set up security through Windows that password protects your files from being downloaded as well. Why would someone want your files?
Make a list of possible suspects that have access to your HP device to try to determine who would take your data. Yes No I need help How do I get rid of spyware if on my phone? Conversations I've not shared with my husband he knows about I've been noticing a lot of different things going on with my phone, and conversations I've not shared with my husband he knows about.
Last week my office manager helped me transfer pictures and contacts to my computer, and restore it back to factory settings. I feel like there is another something on my phone. As, my battery is draining too fast, and this morning I've got it charging on my computer and a notification about low battery and something else showed up. Before I could read what it said, it was gone. I need some help if you could guide me I'd greatly appreciate it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am not a techie person. Thanks Was this helpful? Yes No I need help You did a factory reset your phone, and if a spy app were on there, that would have removed it. He would have had to re-install a new spy app onto the reset phone to continue monitoring.
I think my soon to be ex is tracking my texts, emails, location. I turned the location off and turned on an anti-spyware. Yes No I need help The anti-spyware is detected as a spy app through most regular cell check monitoring. If the app were turned on at the time, you would have gotten a message of possible compromise.
You should not be worried unless you see a downloaded spy app in your applications setting other than your anti-spyware app. Yes No I need help Is my phone being tracked or bugged? If so, by whom and by which phone number and how long has it been. Download an anti-spyware app if you are using a mobile device to check for any spy applications that may be downloaded onto your phone.
If I report them? For I was aware and would contact law enforcement. I'm 21 and she is 19, I've never cheated, they know I'm loyal. Don't know how much extra data is unusual. If so, by whom and by which phone number and how long has it been. Or hide your phone somewhere different each night while you are sleeping.
Sometimes, cell phones will just have a bad connection due to a problem with your cell tower, which can cause a static type noise on your phone. To see if that is the issue, hang up and place the call again. Often when you reconnect to a tower, the static and noise will be gone. Hi there I've had a lot of problems with my 12 month old iPhone All the usual suspect happening, I'm reading we are told may mean your phone is hacked my email, Facebook, Facebook Messenger to name few.
Crash logs are continuous? Yes No I need help Well I don't have an SD card in my phone and never had, and data just recently started getting saved on it but there is nothing there? It started off with my S5, my phone was named after my girlfriend phone, and hers was an S4, but our names were the same except mine had a 2 after it. I just got this phone a couple months back and I think she did it again. She is not smart enough for that it is her parents.
I'm 21 and she is 19, I've never cheated, they know I'm loyal. I think they're using it against me.
I think there are blackhats. I've destroyed my Galaxy S5 because of it, I was going to try rooting it and getting the files out individually, but I don't have a computer and I just recently started reading up on my tech stuff. I've read a lot but still don't have a computer. I don't know Was this helpful? Yes No I need help A spy app would have had to be installed. If you enabled a Cloud app, your data would suddenly be saved.
Some Cloud apps have a cloud feature that you may not have realized was a part of the app. You say that you are loyal and not cheating. So instead of being so paranoid by the fact that her parents are spying on your phone, go about your days as you usually would and let them look all they want because they will find nothing. I highly doubt though, that they are taking the time to spy on you or their daughter. Yes No I need help I have a very strong feeling that someone is using my Gmail account, but I don't know how to get out of this?
How can I know? If someone is using it? My Account in Google allows you to set up security functions. Yes No I need help Can my Android phone be hacked with a computer code such that my WhatsApp messages appear on someone else's phone? Can a programmer write code to make my messages appear on someone else's phone? If possible does the person receive them as you receive them? What does the programmer require to be able to do that? This involves a code being written manually, and not a spy software being installed. I do not know where to start from. This is no spy software case.
Curiosity and insecurity on the side of the other person Was this helpful? They also have programs mentioned above like WireShark that can track what happens on your home router. Never assume that a spy app is not installed on your phone. It is super easy to do, and all the major ones support WhatsApp sniffing. Apps can also be installed if you download a picture that someone sent you.
There are ways to insert the spy app code into the image. Today I was unable to get my Yahoo mail app to open on my Galaxy S4. A message would pop up saying to try again later. So I called Yahoo email tech support. They told me someone is monitoring my IP from Russia. In doing so, they are blocking my access to my Yahoo app and could be watching my online transactions.
OK, I asked how to block it all this tech did was try to sell my software to block my IP. I cannot afford such a thing. So I asked if I get another phone would this stop? He said no my IP goes with me so they could still monitor my phone. Please tell me I can just use my other phone and this will stop. And if it will only happen again, how do I prevent this? Because it is being monitored.
As the tech said my email is being monitored by someone in Russia. Just tried the app described on here. It says no spyware on my phone, but the tech said someone is monitoring it. I have no clue. I have added one app in the last few months. It is an app extractor to move certain apps to another phone Was this helpful? Yes No I need help Didn't find anything with the Antispy mobile, but it was the free app version, does it really work?
I can't find anything on this site to be helpful. For example, I don't know how much data my phone was using before I noticed suspicious activity. My phone doesn't get hot, but that doesn't mean no spy is installed does it? The suspected spy is asking questions about things I did making a sound or not but didn't tell them. Everything I do to find answers for my suspicions has to be done discretely. I can't do the thing with the modem because it wouldn't be hidden. Don't know how much extra data is unusual.
Antispy mobile didn't find anything, is it possible it didn't detect it. I have reset the phone back to factory data. Because I have to sleep eventually, it was put back on my phone at least 3 times. She thinks I'm a cheater, even though I have proven that I'm not many times, she continues to spy. Yes No I need help Enable your phone lock screen after you hard reset it one more time. Do not use a pin that you normally use and change your Google or iCloud password because she could have those from the previous spy installs.
If it still is suspicious, remove the battery on your phone before you go to bed and hide it. Or hide your phone somewhere different each night while you are sleeping. Battery draining real quickly, taking forever to charge. Previously echo and strange noises when on calls. Mostly use for texts, email, Facebook. Unexplained high data usage. Could someone be spying on me and how do I find out, stop them and identify who it is, please?
This section is not written yet. Want to join in? Click EDIT to write this answer. A lot of strange things have been going on with my phone. One night out of the blue it just started dialing my contacts randomly, then a lot of popup ADs started running across my screen, sometimes it would just shut down, I really need some help. I am not sure if I can tell you any more than I have, I am scared. Nothing I tried, cleaning out my phone, but it's just not working. A paranoid friend or friends, I am not certain, but I did ask him to do a few things!
Yes No I need help This sounds more like you have a virus. Hard reset your device and then reinstall the proper OS for it. See more questions like this: I know some one is hacking my cell. I had the same issue before someone hacked my cell. Last night I was watching my movies and some videos, and next morning my friend glanced me with different eyes like Anger.
So I discovered that she knows what I was watching last night, even though I deleted the History. What is the matter and how can I solve these problems. Otherwise, it can cause a big problem for me.
I never tried so much. I installed some spyware apps, but they show no response. I think someone is spying on my phone, but I don't know too much about it! Also, if you have logged into YouTube on a shared PC, she can also see your history from there. Hi, my problem is that when I'm sending messages to the USA but when they check it shows Indian time when I check it shows the Indian time when there is the difference in time zone.
So I want to know if someone else is spying, as there will be timing difference. I have not tried anything, the first thing to find out my problem seeking your help. I do not know, so I'm seeking help from you, so it is possible is spying Check the Date and Time settings of your device.
They could be set wrong including the Region. If you purchased the phone online, it could also have the wrong region OS. Yes No I need help I'm considered that my dad may be spying on me. OK, so I write smuts. When I was writing one of my works, I saw my dad with a similar screen with me. I wasn't wearing my glasses because I'm short-sighted.
I wasn't sure, but the colors were quite similar. How many laws on average could they both be charged with? I know that they have broken laws with Sprint, Charter WiFi, Amazon, for it was multiple apks, spoofing, keylogging, remote access and remote viewing.