Define custom variables for plotting and analysis.
Add editable text columns for comments or manually entered data. Data analysis tool includes powerful automatic and manual curve fitting. Export formatted or raw data to a delimited text file or the clipboard. Display measured values using custom number formats if desired. Use the DL Browser to find resources by name, author, keywords or other metadata.
Use the DL Browser to create, edit and share your own video and resource libraries. Integrated searchable help and diagnostics.
Page view displays html instructions or student notes. Annotate videos with colored line drawings and labels. GUI configuration, video engine, default language, font size, more. Tracker Video Tutorials These video tutorials can help extend your knowledge of Tracker.
Tracker Quick Start A quick demonstration of how to use Tracker to measure the acceleration of a falling ball. If using Tracker for the first time, watch both this and Getting Started with Tracker.
Getting Started with Tracker A more extended explanation of how to use Tracker to track and analyze a moving object in a video. Tracker Autotracker Tutorial How to use the autotracker. There are no feature limitations to the trial version! To continue using the software, purchase a license before the 7 days ends.
Simply follow the easy steps below to utilize the trial.
Basic Trial Version Usage: Mobile Spy is for monitoring your underage child or employee with proper consent. Please keep in mind that you must gain consent from and notify any device users before registering.
Your child or employee will also be notified they are being monitored by device notifications and a tamper-proof icon. Note that your submission may not appear immediately on our site. Since you've already submitted a review for this product, this submission will be added as an update to your original review.
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Enter the e-mail address of the recipient Add your own personal message: Select type of offense: Sexually explicit or offensive language. Advertisements or commercial links. Flaming or offending other users. Promote cracked software, or other illegal content.
Battery life a nanny cameras battery life is one of the most important. This starts out with the basics but also explains in detail how the autotracker works and how to control it for best results. Protractors and tape measures provide easy distance and angle measurements. Was this review helpful? There is no confirmation or undo.