Mobile spy iphone 7 Plus vs galaxy note 8

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Do you deny IOS from version 7 has been buggy and in many cases caused serious problems to users, despite the thousands of reported problems and complaints on forums? But hey…Android users live in their own world so think what you want.

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I deny giving a shit about it. Are you saying every other phone OS in the world is flawless apart from iOS, or are you simply implying that? However it perfectly sums up your comment. So you completely deny any evidence that proves your point wrong, that is really head in the sand stuff. IOS clearly does not just work that is the point. Tweaking and having a more flexible OS are very different.

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You can tweak an iPhone by jailbreaking though it is not recommended and you do not need to root an Android phone to be able to tweak. The flexibility is built into the OS. If it has more bugs than Android, which is clearly evident too, then Android is a better OS for those who want it to work better than others!

It is good if you are happy. However in the real world my phones are fast, smooth with modern designs and up-to-date features. If you are happy paying more for less good for you.

Samsung Galaxy S8 vs iPhone 7: 6 reasons the new Android phone is best

I am sure you will love the iPhone 8 Android catch-up edition. You pay for your phones rather have your work buy whatever you want? No, what is sad is you have to work at all.

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I have enough assets not to have to work and to buy any phone I want. Yet I do not buy iPhones at the present time, because there are too many other phones that are better for me. Wow, so born with a silver spoon in your mouth and calling everyone who makes the world go round including creating those phones of yours sad. Guess what genius, most people have to work, the trick is finding a job you love. No I earnt my money the hard and smart way. You make too many assumptions. I only called you sad for bring up the fact you get your phone for free! You were boasting that getting a phone free for work is a big thing.

I did get a free phone when I did work, but I had the choice of phone and still had one other for personal use.

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MOBILE SPY IPHONE 7 PLUS VS GALAXY NOTE. cell phone spyware windows. iphone call spy software. mobile spy free download windows 7 sp2 drivers. Here's Samsung Galaxy Note 8 with 6GB RAM Vs iPhone 7 Plus with 3GB RAM head-to-head real-world speed test comparison on video. For me for basic use both IOS and Android are great mobile operating.

By Paul Morris September 3rd, Follow Us On Facebook. If Samsung wants to compete with iPhone, it needs to ditch android. Still has crappy performance.

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Mail services, app stores, smart watches, user experience, and the like draw users in and create entanglements that make it hard to switch from one operating system to another. Handset manufacturers build on this lock-in by adding their own services and unique features. Given these pieces, my decision to evaluate the new Galaxy S8 required real commitment.

Here are the key dimensions I used to assess the Samsung phone. Bear in mind this is not a full review, but an explanation of attributes that seduced my attention:. Although it's hard to separate some of these items into discrete points, let's examine each in turn and compare the Apple iPhone 7 Plus against the Samsung Galaxy S8. The iPhone 7 Plus is a big deal It's tall and wide with large bezels at the top and bottom and smaller ones on each size. However, because the bezels are smaller on the Galaxy S8, the screen is virtually the same height as that on the iPhone 7 Plus, as you can see in the photo below.

The Samsung physical design is a brilliant example of form following function, based on technological advances. Apple is definitely behind the curve here. Apple is certainly aware of the screen size issue. As ZDNet has reported , one of the most persistent rumors for the iPhone 8 is a virtual home button, which presumably would function similar to that on the Samsung. Based on my use, both phones are fast enough for business users, although raw speed is hard to measure without specialized tests.

There was one significant difference I discovered, however. The Samsung seems to pick up weaker WiFi signals better than the Apple. For business people, this is important because it can make the difference between maintaining an active connection or not. The Galaxy S8 screen also has higher resolution than even the larger iPhone 7 Plus.

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The screen looks brighter, sharper, and easier to read. I should mention that Samsung pumps up the display colors so they pop more strongly. Beware when editing photos because other people won't see your pictures as you intended unless they have your same phone and settings.

iPhone 8 and X: New Sensors?

Fortunately, you can turn off these unnatural acts of color with a setting. Then there is Bixby, Samsung's new and immature competitor to Siri, with its own dedicated hardware button.


Apple has put Raw support into recent phones, but doesn't support it with its own software. Still has crappy performance. The real advantage the Note 8 holds is that its secondary lens is optically stabilized, while the 8 Plus is not—you'll need to step up to the iPhone X to get dual stabilized lenses. I get the tests. Samsung and Apple Flagships Face Off.

Allocating a dedicated button to Bixby was a lame move. As business people on the go, we need simplicity and not gimmicks. This is one area where Apple's product designers show far greater polish and maturity than Samsung. Operating system and options. Here's where we get into the religious wars, so I will say it plainly: