It is just that most of us suppress the urge.
However, some women who lack control end up succumbing to temptations. Because, to some women, this cheating window comes with wildness that one can never wish away. Is this hormone theory partly an explanation for strange concepts such as one 'night stands' and 'flings'? Where by a woman not of loose morals or easy virtues per se , probably during her cheating window, meets a perfect stranger, say at a party, who tickles her fancy, and hey presto, they end up engaging in a gland to gland combat.
But you can't blame us. It is our biological make up, but at least most of us have control," chuckles Kate. She adds that at times hormones go overboard so much that any man who presses the right buttons becomes fair game. This perhaps explains those strange scandalous tales of descent women cheating with very unlikely, and lowly characters such as watchmen, houseboys, men young enough to be their sons or even distant relatives.
To catch a cheating wife, then, all a man needs to do is study and cram his woman's menstrual cycle and keenly observe how she behaves during the cheating window. We have discovered that during their fertile days, women likely to stray require very little or at times no incentive to cheat. And seeing as they probably finds their men boring or are the types to ration conjugal rights, as a man when they make advances at her during that cheating window and she starts whining about how she has a 'headache', its very likely she has cheated!
And for sure, at around that time, if you check her call log, it is very likely you will see strange calls to or from men with weird names such as 'battery low'!
And as most women will confess that during fertile days of their cycle, they tend to fantasize or flirt with alot about other men a part from their men whom they find, as they like saying, boring. That hormones drive women to do crazy things is not in doubt. We all know what hormones do to them, for instance, during pregnancy; some eat strange foods, do and crazy things.
Thus, during this cheating window, some get irritated or bored by their boring men, especially those who can't function at the junction, and instead crave other men. As a man, if you try jokes such as, "hey honey, tonight am not in the mood, I have a headache," at a time when she is undergoing her cheating window, rest assured she will get it elsewhere. As we mentioned from the onset that women are very cautious when cheating, to ensure men don't catch them, they do it with unlikely people whom their men least or never suspect.
Top on that list is their boyfriends or husbands best friend. Folklore is rich with tales of women who cheat with their boyfriends or husbands best friends. The other very dangerous group are the men she always refers to as "just a friend", especially those who buy her gifts It is always joked that members of a certain community from western Kenyan, whose love for chicken is legendary, hardly keep the said bird as a pet.
And if they purport or try to, it is always a matter of time before the chicken is turned into stew! Thus, if, whenever you raise suspicion about your girlfriend or wife cheating, she always simplifies the allegations and laughs it off by referring to the man in question as " he is just a friend", friend, be warned; raise a red flag and launch an investigation. For the love of God, which man in his right mind would suspect a pastor of cheating with his wife?
Well, don't be too sure. If at all you have been believing when she says she is going for night vigil kesha , brethren, think again. She could be engaging in acts of rod with the man of God. Last but not least, unlike men who fool around with the 'hot' next door neigbour or even house girl, women don't cheat with men far from where they live. So when she talks about going for an out of town chamaa meeting or girls' night out, especially during her cheating window, don't take it to heart. It is very likely going to meet her secret lover. But as mentioned earlier that women are way smarter than men, now that the genie is out of the bottle, chances are most of those who cheat will change tact and this methodology will not work.
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Marriage Advice Love and money: Featured Articles Cheating Spouses. And if you do decide to investigate, be prepared to deal with what you find, good or bad.
How to Catch Your Cheating Spouse. You've seen the signs, and your mind is putting the pieces together. Your spouse has been coming home late or keeps. While ways to cheat on your spouse have advanced, ways to catch a cheating girlfriend, boyfriend, wife or husband have grown as well. You can always clear.
Let your fingers do the walking. The phone is a common thread in all our lives, and it's only becoming more so as time goes on. So it is a pretty sure bet that their Affair d'amour is happening over the wires as well as—well, you can imagine. Perform some phone sleuthing, if you have a good old-fashioned land line. Phone sleuthing is easy. Unscrew and remove the mouthpiece ahead of time so that your sotto voce epithets will not give your sleuthing away. Don't be too gentle: If you have a smart phone or a feature phone with a recorder, set the earpiece of the headset next to the microphone, and record the lovey-dovey ramblings for posterity.
If the jig is up, and you have what you need, then no need to wait. Use a baby monitor. This is the cheap, low-tech way of listening in. Of course, if there are no babies in your life at the moment, this can be a bit tricky, but you can get around that. Get a basic baby monitor, a can of spray paint that will blend with where you will put the transmitter, and a roll of matching masking tape in case the transmitter has blinking LEDs on it.
Cover up the microphone hole before you paint so you don't gum up the works, and don't over-paint. You don't want that thing to be stinking up the house. Go to the room where you think she'll be making throaty sounds with her licentious Lothario, and cache the transmitter in a discrete location where she's unlikely to look. Behind some books, or the couch, or if you're really hapless, somewhere in the bedroom or bath.
Power it up, and put a portable radio in the room turned down to about human-whisper-and-giggle level. Go into your man cave, and turn on the receiver. Can you hear the radio? If so, you're ready to go. If not, make adjustments until you can hear the transmitter signal clearly. When that phone call comes, and she says "I have to get this Go to your room, turn on the monitor, power up your recorder phone, tape, whatever you've got , and listen to what happens next. Should you hear what you fear, call her a taxi, and send Ruby Roundheels on a one-way ticket to town.
Of course, if you hear "Okay, I'll have that report by tomorrow, boss, and I You're going to be in hot water.
Record digitally with a digital recorder. There is a range of digital records, from pens, or thumb drives, or even phone look-alikes that are voice activated. That means you can just set one wherever you think your spouse may go for his or her phone fun, and when it happens, the electrical spy will spring into action, like a steel trap. Check that trap at your convenience, and good luck! Break all trust and spy on your honey's personal communications. Direct access of your cheating cherie's phone can reveal a lot—especially texts and tweets.
Her close friends will be quite frank with advice and what they think. You may find the texts that are sent give you more insight than the ones received. A regular check will give you an idea of how things are progressing.
Watch out for the use of false names so that if an incoming message arrives at an awkward moment, the false name gives nothing away. Another way he'll schedule snogging sessions with that woman is to send send her emails or chat online. What if every email or conversation that your spouse sends online got mailed to you to read? Software called remote spy software records all of his or her emails, chats, instant messages, web sites visited and keystrokes and then automatically copies this recorded information to your email address.
Unless your spouse is very careful, you can also pop onto his or her computer or phone when he or she is not around, and look at history, recent applications, and other breadcrumbs to follow the trail of the philandering fink. Maybe a little email planning for the next rendezvous with romance, or some online hot chat logs. The lout who is having the affair will quickly try to prevent you seeing emails through the use of passwords and saving the emails under different file names. To gain access initially, you may try using his typical passwords as a starting point.
If that doesn't work, a Google search will easily find specialized software that can hack passwords. Use any tools at your disposal. You can get help from inanimate objects——they never speak! For instance, there are hidden cameras available in shapes unimaginable! They are so discreet that even you will not be able to make out that a state-of-the-art camera lies within. Hidden spy cameras range from wall clocks to houseplants to table lamps. Install a GPS device. Track where your wayward wife has been lately by using a GPS device. It will show you where she's taken the car, and for how long she stays.
Next time she says "I'm working late, honey," you can say "Wow, Motel 9 must love you! A cheap free alternative to GPS tracking is to simply record mileage before and after work. Does this square with the distance your spouse is traveling between work and home? Differences on the odometer can lead to targeted questions which can help you find out what is or is not happening. Pay particular attention to your spouse's friends. Who is being seen the most? Who is contacted the most? Are they your friends as well? When you meet them, keep a real alert on for bad feelings when talking to them.
Don't ask direct questions of them. You don't want to ask them to choose who to support. What people don't say is at least as useful as what people do say. If the call history is blocked, then access the details online via telephone accounts. You will need to use a password to access this. However the chances are the password being used was set up long before the affair started so you probably know it or can second guess it. Look for frequency of use and call time. Are both of these factors increasing, steady or increasing? Knowing this will give you insight on how things are progressing.
Watch for changes in behavior. Changes in interests in clothes, appearance, weight loss or gain, coldness, distancing, hostility; refusal to talk about future projects, disengagement from you, disinterest in sex and more noticeably simply everyday affections. Monitor those changes are they increasing or decreasing?
It's the changes that give away clues. Keep an eye out for a hidden phone your spouse may use to avoid detection. Also, check the trash on his or her computer——often people throw things in the trash, and then don't empty it. Catch him in the act! If you really believe your spouse is cheating on you, yet after monitoring phone calls, emails, and travel details, all you have is a gut feeling, than you need to make an essential decision about how far you are willing to go in pursuit of knowing if your spouse is faithful.
Honestly ask yourself why you don't trust your spouse. Do you have any reason, real or imagined, to believe your spouse is, or has been, unfaithful? It doesn't have to stand up to legal standards of proof, but do you have anything to go on beyond your feeling or hunch? It is not uncommon for a partner to self-convince that there is a case of spousal infidelity based merely on circumstances that have been molded into the evidence needed to justify one's own feelings, beliefs, and insecurities.
Just because he seems less interested in you doesn't mean he's cheating. Working late or going out with friends might mean only that. It's also not uncommon for couples who have been together for a while to forget why they fell in love because everyday life is a grind and people get comfortable with time, taking one another for granted. Moreover, sometimes work addiction takes over, and your spouse really has become "wed to the job or start-up" and rarely thinks of spending time with you. If you think you have real cause to suspect your spouse, then start with the assumption that she is going to take some kind of precautions to remain undiscovered when cheating.
She's not going to send emails from the home computer, or call from the home phone. She's not going to claim to be working late and leave for a hotel rendezvous risking your calls going unanswered or being seen leaving work too early She will use normal routines and patterns that you are well used to and simply use that time to have the affair. A sexual affair doesn't require much time or commitment. The two of them meet in the parking lot, hop into one car, head for "their room" at the Motel 9 for a half hour, and are back in time for shopping. She even comes home with purchases consistent with where they were supposed to be.
So if you're truly committed to finding the truth, do this: Set things up for the set-up. Hide a voice activated recorder behind your bed. Then, plan a trip out of town for two to four days, and share that information with your spouse. Do your homework and make it look like you're leaving town by sharing details of your trip, while you secretly plan a stay at a hotel just out of town.
If your spouse expects details of your trip, book them, get confirmations to share with your spouse, but cancel at the last hour and stay close to home.
Make an effort to call your spouse from the airport and when you arrive at your destination. Do this from your cell phone and you can claim to be anywhere. Apologize that you will be working late and might not be able to call that night. Monitor your spouse's GPS activity. If your spouse leaves home for an extended time, go to that location and watch from afar. Follow your spouse a rental is a good idea , but if you are prone to road rage or other rash acts, think twice about this one. If your spouse simply goes home, park down the street and watch.
Use the camera if appropriate. Check the recorders just in case you missed something.
If you need more time, call the morning you were scheduled to be home and apologize that you have to stay one more night. Cope with a discovery. If you discover something, you can return with the evidence. If not, don't overdo the stay away.