Spy phone lookup

You can try the reverse phone lookup at Cell Revealer , for example, or the White Pages. None will prove themselves to be magic bullets, though. If you happen to find a reliable way to perform a reverse cell phone lookup, please pass on your scoop in the comments. Dave has previously worked at Microsoft and has written about technology for a long list of magazines that include PC World and Wired.

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Share Tweet Reddit Flipboard Email. Last Updated Mar 28, This post was updated on October 9, MoneyWatch Not long ago I told you a few strategies for performing a reverse e-mail lookup.

What happened?

Reverse e-mail lookup to discover who has sent you a message Why email signatures are dumb That said, the best way to look up someone based on a phone number right now is Facebook. Featured in Moneywatch 20 of the coolest places to retire in the world Find out what activities and attractions make these 20 cities and town some of the best places to retire around the world 10 products you should never buy generic Generics are a great way to save money in lots of cases, but here is a look at some clear exceptions.

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How to do a reverse phone number lookup without paying a dime

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Reverse cell phone lookup service is free and simple

If anyone posted their phone number at any time to their public social media page, that post, no matter how old, can be found with a Google search. Similarly, any numbers added to company pages or personal profiles will show up in a search. But there are some free reverse phone lookup services that do a reasonably good job should Google come up empty-handed.

Here are a few that pulled relevant results from our inquiries. Your phone already does this to some extent, but Truecaller takes it to the next level, with more detailed, accurate results. The main page of Truecaller is a call log. The downside of Truecaller is that you have to sign up to search. That means linking an email account that has your name associated with it.

Reverse Lookup by Nomadic Ratio lets you manually input phone numbers you want to learn more about. It only took a few seconds to pull up names and nonspecific locations from a few samples we fed it.

You can make calls from the app, save numbers to your contacts, or set up your phone to send received calls to voicemail. We recommend using the free version for manual entries and looking elsewhere Truecaller, Hiya for a free caller ID feature.

Free Reverse Phone Lookup with Google: How It Works

Spy Dialer did a frighteningly good job of pulling up information in our tests, quickly displaying the full name associated with multiple numbers we searched. While that may sound jarring for some, area codes have long been used to identify where phones were activated. Other, less useful information Spy Dialer pulls up includes the length someone has had their phone service and the chances of it being a cellphone versus a landline. The company claims it gets its information from public data and user-contributed address books.

Whitepages has been around for more than 20 years, serving as a massive database of contact information.

Unfortunately, the free version of the service only provides basic information about a number, like the type mobile or landline , its wireless carrier, and the odds of it being spam. Google reportedly dropped a feature dedicated to looking up phone numbers in after it received a wave of requests from people asking to remove their information.