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I can also block any suspicious contacts, if such occur. A nice choice for modern parents. Safeguarding kids is of key importance for every parent. And mSpy helps me keep an eye on my daughter when I cannot be close to her. I highly recommend it! And a friend of mine recommended me mSpy. It helps me guardian my children in the stormy sea of internet. The app is ostensibly intended for legal monitoring use, and there are certainly legitimate reasons to install the software.

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However, young members of AWMUN have three more days of discussion to sum up with formal debates on poverty reduction strategy. The next topic they are expected to discuss concerns the impact of cryptocurrencies on global finance stability. During the afternoon of August 12th, The delegates from the UNEP United Nations Environment Programme debated smoothly on sustainable management of natural capital for sustainable development and poverty eradication.

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At the same time Netherlands explained that in the present the world deals with extreme weather conditions, meaning that the weather is changing abruptly outside the normal standards that each region should have. The current weather conditions in the world are notably changing and everyone can really tell the uncomfortable wave heats and the natural disasters happing in rare areas.

These changes cannot really be reverse, therefore ways of prevention are a more debatable point to discuss rather than to sink in lost conditions. Delegate countries such as Philippines, Thailand, Venezuela and Netherlands confirmed their participation and financial investment on Land Management. Philippines assured that planning was the key to ensure the welfare of people. And France encouraged other delegates to create land management if necessary because it ends on proper conservation of the environment as a key conclusion of the matter. Women, men and children are trafficked for a range of purposes, including forced and exploitative labour in factories, farms and private households, sexual exploitation, and forced marriage.

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In these motion, it turns out that the united nation already have a special rapporteur. But, in reality special repporteur is not executed properly caused by an unclear code of conduct and a blurred sense of responsibillity. Special repporteur does not own funds because they put themselves forward to the united nation. In human right council of awmun, there are two opinions about special rapporteur. This opinion is submitted by delegates of Australia, Qatar, and many else. Second, privacy of policy, because its a personal problem of a country.

This opinion is stated by South Africa, China, Jordan, and the others. By making itu confidential, countries are going to doubt the impartiality of the special rapporteur, thus making them untrustworthy. For this case, That special rapporteur can be a good solution for human trafficking. Human trafficking is a big problem, and not a matter of a country but the world. One of the ways to fund terrorism is through cryptocurrency. Actually, cryptocurrency is not a big problem, until a certain group used it for terrorism funding.

There are two reasons why they are using cryptocurrency, first is because it is not tied to governmental taxes and the second is because it is anonymous. Cryptocurrency have a different system than banks. In bank systems, everyone knows where their money comes from and where their money is going. The majority of the delegates already have their own opinions and solutions to solve this problem.

The system of RIU is like a bank system but with digital money. So, the government has a database about every transaction with cryptocurrency. The other solution comes from the Delegate of Thailand. It is a unit form the European Union that fights against money laundering and the financing of terrorism.

Delegate of Thailand want the other delegate to cooperate by establishing a unit who can access the database. But how the system goes must be the priority. Terrorism is not only the problem of one country but the problem of the entire world. Unity is the key to fight against that. Points were raised on how to prevent human trafficking that is visible in different countries of the world. Two points were raised during the unmoderated caucus these were the Obligations of the States in Respect to Human Trafficking and Economic obligation of States toward Human Trafficking.

After the points were presented by the delegates to the chair, they discussed and debate regarding what resolutions and actions must be done by the member states most especially who experienced human trafficking.

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Australia and South Africa were actively presenting to the rest of the delegates their stand about the issue. They both mentioned that Non-government organizations NGO of a particular country must collaborate and work with respected countries to prevent human trafficking. National governments were highly encourage to answer and to take actions to eliminate the count of human trafficking to stop and prevent it.

Discussions and debates were done during the session and no amendments and resolution where approved by all countries. Continuation will be done on their next session. Hopefully, from this session, the delegates will gain understanding of how UN works and how young people can get involved to contribute in the efforts promoting and protecting all human rights. Signe Poulsen, Representative from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights OHCHR Seoul, would highlight the necessity for young people to be involved in the efforts of promoting and protecting all human rights, in order for young people to contribute to achieve peace in the world.

This would include the issue of human security as a foundation of national and international security, which is related to human rights and their active role in maintaining the protection of human rights of other people. As a native of Seoul, she is excited to see delegates discuss global issues in depth right at the heart of her hometown! She is relatively new to the world of Model United Nations, but she believes this will allow her to bring fresh ideas and enthusiasm. Her interests include politics, minority studies, the power of rhetoric, traveling, any type of music, meeting new people and debating any topic, whenever, with anyone.

Jessica is currently enrolled at Fudan University in Shanghai, China where is studying one semester abroad. Her international experience of living and study in five different countries Colombia, Spain, USA, China, and Denmark makes her a great international communicator. Maydi Dwi Amorzy is an university student, majoring in IR. Currently, she is in her fourth year at Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia. She is a very active and hard working person, that can be seen from her organization and committees experiences. Many organizations and committees that have been followed.

She currently resides in Surabaya, Indonesia. She can be contacted at maydi. She has developed great analytical and leadership skill through her degree, as well as communication skill through her part time job as a piano teacher for 5 years and an internship at notary office for 1 year. In her spare time, she loves playing piano, handicrafting, and traveling around the world.

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Participating in volunteer programs has always been a part of her life. She believes that people should give what they have been given. Carl Cuyosis currently residing in Cebu City, Philippines. Carl also wants to participate international conferences because he would be able to meet people from different countries, with different background, experience, perspectives, and culture.

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He is engrossed to learn more on Public Diplomacy and Multiculturalism. His work now is to lead and be a voice of the students who are in need of help and oppress with the rights for education.

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Before I became as a Student Leader, I am a 2 year volunteer of our school who taught me to socialize and serve the other student at my University, and while there, it made realize that I am capable of serving the student and leading them at the same time. Harold Joseph — Art is courage. This had been my mantra that embodies who I am as a 21 years old student of Tarlac State University taking Bachelor of Science in Architecture. I am Harold Joseph Duane D.

Hilario, a servant leader in our university and in my community.

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I consider leadership as an art that requires a lot of elements. Public speaking, hosting and being master of ceremony in certain assemblies had been my major platform in my leadership career for I know that microphone is a powerful tool to inspire other individuals of any gender, culture, or age.

She has always been interested in debate which lead her to join Model UN. Besides joining MUN, Farah also enjoys reading books and travelling. She hopes that the delegates will enjoy their time conferencing and she is excited to meet everyone! She always had an interest towards the current global crisis. She was firstly introduced to MUN by her friend and she really enjoyed the experiences that she has gathered throughout her participations as a delegate in MUNs.

She is imploring for all the youth to participate in such event not just for the purpose of diplomacy also for the valuable opportunity that only MUNs could provide.

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She is a passionate writer, public speaker, and servant-leader in the Philippines. She works for various schoolbased and community-based organizations. Her stay in various organizations enable her to deliver significant impacts in her community. I can also block any suspicious contacts, if such occur. A nice choice for modern parents. Safeguarding kids is of key importance for every parent. And mSpy helps me keep an eye on my daughter when I cannot be close to her.

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