Real Time ambient listening is available on GuestSpy only. Get to know if your son is where he is supposed to be or if your employee is really in a traffic jam. They are made viewable to you regardless of if they have been deleted on the tracked device itself. Find out more by clicking on the following feature: Every time your child or employee records a video or takes a photo with their camera phone, it will be immediately uploaded to your GuestSpy account.
Remote Control With smartphones being often lost or stolen, information theft is getting quite common By remotely erasing your target phone data or locking the device, you make sure personal data does not fall into the wrong hands. Auto-answer Spy call You make a call from your phone to target phone It will be auto answer without knowing from users. Find out the truth and bring peace to your mind with GuestSpy.
Raising a child is never a simple or easy job for parents, especially when your child reaches teenage. GuestSpy can help you know the truth and keep those dangerous things away from your precious children. GuestSpy can help you enforce employees follow company phone usage policy. You will make sure your employees use company mobile for business purpose only.
If your mobile is stolen, SMs and Call features can give you very useful hints to track down the thief. Login Login to my. Our kids think that they are adults and can do whatever they want — I want to believe they are mature, but their actions only bring doubt. For better or for worse I only confirmed what I already knew with GuestSpy. Thank you for peace of mind. Anthony Gassmann Father Being a single father of two teenagers, I tend to worry a lot. However, since I started using GuestSpy, I no longer have sleepless nights wondering if they are out with friends or at the movies when they should be safe at home.
Juan S Father This is a must have app! It grants me access to emails, text messages, calls, and many other things. This product is truly indispensable! I was witnessing my daughter began to withdraw without knowing why. After installing GuestSpy, I was shocked to find that a bully from school was tormenting her on social media. I am so grateful to this software for helping me find out what has been troubling my child.
Need to ask us anything about GuestSpy? If so, please do not hesitate to use the contact form below.
You can spy on virtually any phone remotely and invisibly. Because it costs you less than your daily cup of coffee! Yes No I need help We recommend reading this entire guide, but you can also click any link in the list below, and jump right to that section. The type of cell phone spy app you install will depend on your intended use. For example, keeping track of a young son or daughter is quite different than tracking employees, or keeping tabs on a cheating boyfriend or girlfriend. In the case of a cheating husband or wife, it's an even more delicate matter. Your whole life can be turned upside down by choosing the wrong spy app.
Yes No I need help Below, you'll find a list of the mobile spy apps we've tested here on VisiHow, starting with the most expensive and feature packed, and ending with essential free apps. Installing a spy app on someone's cell phone isn't always easy, but sometimes it's worth the effort just to know. If you have access to a cell phone that is connected to the internet, and you need to secretly install a spy phone application to track text messages or voice calls, you will often need to bypass the screen lock.
This can be done through the use of Screen Lock Bypass Pro , which supports unlocking certain devices that have a connection to the internet. Note that it should only be used to access devices you are authorized to access, as in the case of a business accessing company devices, the device of your minor child, or another device that you own and need to access.
Other types of access are not authorized. Yes No I need help Once you have access to the device, you will need to perform the following steps:. This will allow you to monitor activity on the target phone, with the information and data you track, such as spying on text messages, calls, WhatsApp, iMessage, or Facebook chats depending on the spy phone software you have installed. Yes No I need help To read another section on cellphone spy apps, return to the beginning of this guide.
Unfortunately, there are no legal methods for accessing the cellphone of a third party through the use of a cellphone spy application. However, there are certain methods others have used to work around this limitation. Perhaps the most common of these is to install a spy phone application on the phone of an employee or another person they are working with, which will often accomplish near similar functions to the original intent.
Yes No I need help Another option is to install a spy application on a cell phone or Tablet, and then present that as a gift, however, the laws governing this sort of activity should be reviewed, both from the software vendor and according to the legal disclaimers presented in this guide. Yes No I need help As a last resort, if you are a company or have a need for more than one phone with a spy app installed on it, you can track text and call data by purchasing new devices with the applications installed on them from the factory.
Yes No I need help To read another section on cell phone spy apps, return to the beginning of this guide. How to Secretly Uninstall a Cell Phone Spy App Once you've done the dirty work, you'll need to be able to uninstall the app without arousing any suspicions. When installing a spy app you want to make sure that you can remove it quickly just in case your target gets suspicious.
All of the spy apps that have a control panel have instructions in the control panel on how to uninstall the app. There are also apps that can be uninstalled remotely by sending a coded text message to the target phone and the app is then uninstalled. You can usually find the uninstall instructions on the spy app website in their menu options or Faq section.
Yes No I need help Here are the spy apps that can be remotely uninstalled:. For obvious reasons, choosing a spy app that allows for remote uninstall is a good way to ensure that you will not get caught. For the apps that you have to manually uninstall, usually, there are just a few short steps to uninstall such as calling a short code number with the target phone and then settings will appear on the screen and you can click Uninstall app. How to Use Cell Phone Spy Apps for Your Business If you're spending money monitoring employees, you could save most of it just by switching to low cost cell phones with spy apps.
Using a spy app for your business, you can set usage limits on your employees' phones and track their locations. When you can track locations of your employees you can use this feature to eventually save money by monitoring their patterns and checking to see if their movements can be streamlined for better efficiency and time management.
The ability to find an employee's lost phone is a money saving feature when you consider that phones in employee's care are left behind in cabs and restaurants all the time. You also can monitor browsing history and social media if it is allowed on the employee's phone. With Highster Mobile and Spyera you can record or listen in to your employees' conversations for quality monitoring and be patrolling so that trade secrets are not being shared with competitors.
Some of the spy apps also have a computer and tablet monitoring software to add to your phone monitoring plan. How to Track any Phone Thief Using Your Spy App If someone stole your phone, and you have your own spy app installed, it just got a lot easier to catch the thief. Using a spy app as a protective measure on your own phone is one of the best ways to see if someone stole your phone and how to find that phone.
Spy apps turn on and track locations even if the location function is turned off. Part of the problem of finding your phone using Google Device Manager or other location tools is that if the location feature is not activated on your phone, you will not be able to locate the phone. Thieves are aware of this so often they will immediately disable the phone location function. Yes No I need help Apps that you can install for just tracking a phone like Find My Phone can also be found quickly by a thief and either deleted or disabled. With a spy app, the thief will not be able to find the spy app as quickly as a regular location app.
This will allow you a better chance to catch the thief. Many spy apps like mSpy and OwnSpy also offer the ability to remotely snap pics and listen to room sounds. How to Find Trustworthy Apps that Spy on Cell Phones You need to trust the app you're installing to spy, even if you don't trust the person you're spying on.
The first thing to consider when deciding whether or not to install a cell phone spy application is whether you can trust the company you're going to be using. This is because that company will have full access to the person's data, messages, and private communications of any phone or Tablet you are spying on. Whether you're keeping tabs on your children, or making sure an employee isn't stealing corporate data, it's critical to protect the confidentiality of both your information and their information. Here is a list of things you need to consider to determine whether a company is trustworthy or not: Yes No I need help 1 Where is the company located?
If you are using a company that is located in an established nation, where there are strong legal protections in place to prevent misuse of information, then you can more easily trust that they are not going to abuse your information. However, if you are using a company located somewhere with no real legal protections, you should proceed with caution, as they will not be bound by the same laws you might be accustomed to, and could misuse your data, even going as far as stealing bank information or misusing personal details. Was this step helpful?
Yes No I need help 2 Does the company offer a paid version of their cell phone spy app? There is an old saying that nothing is free, and in the case of spy apps, this is particularly true. If a company has no visible means of generating revenue, you should ask yourself how they are funding themselves. Unscrupulous companies can misuse the data they collect for criminal purposes, exposing both you and those you spy on to a number of problems, not the least of which is identity theft.
Yes No I need help 3 Is the spy app you are considering new? While there is nothing wrong with new companies, those that sell cell phone spy apps are another matter. In this case, it's best to choose one with an established history. This will let you know that they are able to protect the information they collect for you and that they have a history of operating within the law.
Yes No I need help 4 Does the app have good reviews or bad reviews? Bad reviews indicate a company selling a product that does not work. This means that you will at best waste your time installing it, and at worst, risk identity theft, or need to perform a Factory Reset of your Android device to uninstall the app.
Yes No I need help 5 Do they offer a free version or an unpaid trial? Companies that are offering cell phone spy programs that will help you track information will always offer a free version, or at a minimum, a free trial. Check with the company to make sure they offer a free trial. Yes No I need help 6 Can you contact support?
Almost every company has a well staffed sales team, but some of them don't have good support. If you encounter problems with your Android spy app, this can create an endless headache. It's a good idea to contact support while using your free trial, to make sure you're actually able to reach someone and get help, should you later find yourself stuck. Laws vary according to location and country. Without beating around the bush too much, it's generally illegal to install a cell phone spy app on someone's mobile phone or Tablet.
However, as with most things involving laws, there are varying shades of gray in the letter of the law. What you can legally do to monitor and care for your minor child is very different from what you can do to legally spy on a cheating spouse or dishonest employee. However, no matter what you do, it's always your responsibility to know and obey the law. Yes No I need help Here are some steps you can follow to learn whether or not you might be breaking the law by installing a cell phone spy app. Was that great cell phone deal actually made by a criminal looking to steal your information?
You got a great deal on a previously owned cell phone and notice that your data usage is more than it should be, your battery is draining fast and you have strange things like your phone lighting up when you are not using it. These signs can indicate that you have a spy app on your phone. Yes No I need help Way thieves target you with a phone they sold you:. Usually performing a factory reset on a phone removes a spy app. The phone you bought may have been factory reset yet the thief put a spy app on afterward.
It is best to do a factory reset again on your phone. Install an anti-spyware app to ensure that you are not targeted and monitored. Apps like MalwareBytes will look for things like hidden files and apps and alert you if any are found. The following are tips and suggestions from our readers, and include some common things to consider when using apps to spy on cell phones. I need to know what my husband is doing on the Internet and his text messages.
And I need to do it without needing his devices. We have been separated, but he comes over daily and will be moving back this week. Are there any free trials of these programs? Yes No I need help You can spy on your husband's text messages and internet use with the My Spy mSpy spy phone app listed above, by using their seven-day free trial.
However, you will need your husband's phone for about 10 minutes to perform the install.
The installation period is the only time you'll need his phone. After that, you'll be able to track his SMS details and internet use from your computer, phone, or Tablet. The My Spy app installs itself invisibly on the target phone, but you need to have access to the phone to approve the download. See more questions like this: I need an app to spy with that is inexpensive and I do not have to install? Yes No I need help Before you hire a private investigator, look into Auto Forward or Spyera which can both be downloaded remotely.
Hi, I have some doubt for one of my staff members, that he is doing something against me so just to confirm it, I want to spy on his mobile for 2 to 3 months. I am also planning to gift him a mobile, it's just for checking nothing else Was this helpful? Yes No I need help It might be quite hard as spying in workplaces is quite obvious.
If you are a system administrator, you may redirect all WiFi connections through your server and sniff the traffic. If you are intending to gift him a mobile, he will, most likely, format or hard-reset it; and all spyware will be wiped out. He can also be suspicious and use both phones, not in your favor.
Otherwise, you can install applications or buy services for his new phone. This can be done online, and those are often phone-specific. To install or use those, you usually have to root Android or jailbreak iOS the phone.
The process is quite automated and fast. We cannot recommend anything specific, as nothing from these services or applications is reliable and safe. Yes No I need help Hi, I would like to know how do I monitor my teenager's phone without him knowing? I know I have to install an app, but won't he be able to see the app installed on his phone?