OK, for those that are in a hurry to make the software work as a spy camera, I'll show you how to do a fast installation and setup.
The software installation is standard, just click the file to start the process and continue by clicking on " Agree " " Next " " Install " and " Finish ". See the step by step click the images to enlarge. After installing the software, type ContaCam in the Windows Search area and when double-click to load it. This is for Windows If you are using another version of the operating system, just search for the installed software and run it.
The software will recognize the installed webcam, if there is more than one click on the " capture " menu and choose the desired model. To enable the software to record your spy camera , enable motion recording.
Just right click and choose " Movement Detection " you can also select " Show Detection " to see the areas where there are movements. Now your spy camera is already recording and you may notice that the webcam LED stays on indicating that the software is using the webcam. If you don't want your spy camera to become apparent, put something like a tape, for example, to block the Webcam LED. Videos will be automatically saved to the default installation folder of the software: Unless you have changed the configuration. A folder with the camera name will be available in this location.
Just open it and you will find other folders with months, days and recorded files. Digi-Watcher - Intelligent webcam software. Monitors your home or office 24 hours a day, captures motion event using webcam, saves into compressed video clips with audio and triggers various alerts including ftp upload, email or phone.
HomeCamera - Web-based home monitoring. Simple to use, email notifications, FTP upload. WebCam Spy - Basic Webcam monitoring system with motion detection. CamShot - Besides the name, looks like basic monitoring system.
JaxCam - Multicamera support, stealth mode, encoding video feeds in real-time. Broadcasting videos, scheduler, FTP and email notifications. Live streaming, video recording. NETObserve - Spying software. Records motion images, printed documents, keystroke logger, application activity logger, screenshot capturing. WebCamSpy - Live streaming and motion detection with email support. Automatically creates image galleries. Eyecopia - Monitoring software with multicamera support.
Aug 5, Below is a list of applications that will turn your laptop into a The software program connects with your camera and records any motion the. Mar 26, You can use the webcam on your laptop to keep tabs on your home or office. likes of Yawcam (what we're using today), iSpy, SecuritySpy and others. can start setting up the software and testing our home security camera.
UI looks a little bit heavy and cartoonish. Streams to blackberry and iPhone. Creates a private webpage for your webcam.
Plays recorded images in a sequence. Web Camera Security System - Basic motion detection monitoring system. The program used to remotely turn on Pennsylvania students' laptop Webcams is no longer being sold, but there are other ways to remotely activate a machine's Webcam. The Webcam spy case in the Lower Merion School District near Philadelphia has raised concern as to whether others with Webcams are vulnerable to remote spying. The school district admitted to activating the Webcams 42 times during a month period, claiming that it did so only to track lost or stolen laptops.
But for anyone with a Webcam and Webcams are now built in to many laptops and desktops , the question is whether you are vulnerable to having your Webcam remotely turned on.
The answer is yes, though the newest version of the software used by the district to monitor its computers can no longer be used to activate Webcams or even track stolen computers. In a YouTube video attributed to Perbix , he says, "I've actually had some laptops we thought were stolen which actually were still in a classroom because they were misplaced, and by the time we found out that they were back I had to turn the tracking off and I had a good 20 snapshots of the teacher and the students using the machines in the classroom.
In one portion of the Webcast not in the YouTube video , Perbix says, "You can go into curtain mode, so if you're controlling someone's machine and you don't want them to see what you're doing you just click on the curtain mode icon The blog Stryde Hax has more detail about Perbix's reported activities. End users can no longer track machines Absolute has changed the name of the program to Absolute Manager and will be marketing it for remote management of PCs, Macs, and iPhones, but the product will no longer be used for theft or loss recovery.
For those functions, Absolute offers Computrace for enterprise customers including schools and LoJack for Laptops for consumers.
The installation and configuration of the software is extremely simple and fast, in a few minutes can be installed and working with the basic functions. FTP server required for remote monitoring. You can filter out a long video capture to show only important moments. It you still wanna do it, then cover the light with a black electric tape or a nail polish with a matching color. Hurry, while is still available
I interviewed Midgley by phone from his office in Vancouver. Both the Computrace and LoJack products can be used to turn on a Webcam and photograph the user in the event of a theft investigation.
Company policy, according to Midgley, prohibits them for doing that until a police report is filed. Absolute tracks the location of devices every 24 hours, but once a device is reported stolen it increases to once every 15 minutes, according to Midgley. Midgley said the company doesn't typically use Webcam photography, even if it's available.